Jun 14, 2014

C Programming #10: Operators - Bitwise

Following section will discuss the various bit manipulation operations provided by C. Note that  they work only on integer  datatype(char, int, long) variable/constant. It is always better to work with unsigned integer as these operation on signed bit though gives value but does not make sense.

Following are the Bit-wise operators
  1. Bit-wise AND
  2. Bit-wise OR
  3. Bit-wise XOR
  4. Bit-wise NOT (One's complement)
  5. Bit-wise left shift
  6. Bit-wise right shift 
Already some of the terms such as AND, OR, NOT are already covered in Logical operators. The difference between the logical operators and bit-wise operators is that, logical operators take the whole value to be true or false and get the result, while the bit-wise operator does the same operations on bit level. So now we know the differences let us dive into each one of the operator in deeply.

Bit-wise AND

'&' is the bit-wise AND operator in C. The various combination of the o/p is discussed below

A and B

Above truth table tells how it works on 1 bit, say we want to find bit-wise AND of 25 & 35. First we need to find binary representation of each, 25 = 0001 1001 and 35 = 0010 0011. Write down both the representation one below another and work on finding the corresponding bit AND.

  0001 1001
  0010 0011
& ---------
  0000 0001

The result is 0000 0001 in binary which is 1 in decimal.

Say we had done Logical AND between 25 and 35 then; 25 = non-zero(true), 35 means non-zero(true). hence Logical AND between them is true, which means 1. In this particular case the result is same for logical and bit-wise AND. Take another example of 25 and 34. Logical AND - 1; Bit-wise AND - 0

Hence be very careful.

Same can be implemented as C Program as follows
(Note in the following example data type unsigned char is used to store integer, rather than ASCII value !!)

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  unsigned char a = 25;
  unsigned char b = 35;

  printf("Bitwise AND between a and b is %d\n", a & b);
  printf("Logical AND between a and b is %d\n", a && b );
  printf("Bitwise AND between 25 and 34 is %d\n", 25 & 34);
  printf("Logical AND between 25 and 34 is %d\n", 25 && 34 );
  return 0;

output of the above program is

Bitwise AND between a and b is 1
Logical AND between a and b is 1
Bitwise AND between 25 and 34 is 0
Logical AND between 25 and 34 is 1

One of primary use of AND operator is to make particular bit/bits position as 0 (called as resetting a bit). Say i want to reset BIT position 2 of number 19 (0001 0011 in binary). Then we need to create a mask first; that has all bits 1 except bit 2, which is 1111 1101 in binary. Which is FD in hex which is represented as 0xFD. (In C).

Doing the Bitwise AND
   0001 0011
&  1111 1101
   0001 0001

Result is 0001 0001(binary) which is 17 in decimal. We can also reset multiple bits too.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  unsigned char a = 19;

  printf("Second Bit reset of a %d\n", a & 0xFD);
  printf("First Bit and Second Bit reset of a %d\n", a & 0xFC);
  return 0;

Output of the above program is

Second Bit reset of a 17
First Bit and Second Bit reset of a 16

Bitwise OR

'|' is the bitwise OR operator in C. The various combination of the o/p is discussed below

A or B

Above Truth table tells how it works on 1 bit, say we want to find Bitwise OR of 25 & 35.

  0001 1001
  0010 0011
| ---------
  0011 1011

The result is 0011 1011 in binary which is 59 in decimal. While the Logical OR between these two value is 1.

Following C program that does the same.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  unsigned char a = 25;
  unsigned char b = 35;

  printf("Bitwise OR between a and b is %d\n", a | b);
  printf("Logical OR between a and b is %d\n", a || b );
  return 0;

output of the above program is

Bitwise OR between a and b is 59
Logical OR between a and b is 1
One of primary use of OR operator is to make particular bit/bits position as 1 (called as setting a bit). Say i want to set BIT position 3 of number 19 (0001 0011 in binary). Then we need to create a mask first; that has all bits 0 except bit 3, which is 0000 0100 in binary. Which is 04 in hex which is represented as 0x04. (In C).

Doing the Bitwise OR
   0001 0011
&  0000 0100
   0001 0111

Result is 0001 0111(binary) which is 23 in decimal. We can also reset multiple bits too.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  unsigned char a = 19;

  printf("Second Bit set of a %d\n", a | 0x04);
  printf("Third Bit and Fourth Bit set of a %d\n", a | 0x0C);
  return 0;

Output of the above program is

Second Bit set of a 23
Third Bit and Fourth Bit set of a 31

Bitwise XOR

'^' is the bitwise XOR operator in C. The various combination of the o/p is discussed below

A xor B
Above Truth table tells how it works on 1 bit, say we want to find Bitwise XOR of 25 & 35.

  0001 1001
  0010 0011
^ ---------
  0011 1010

The result is 0011 1010 in binary which is 58 in decimal. Note that there is no Logical XOR.

Following C program that does the same.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  unsigned char a = 25;
  unsigned char b = 35;

  printf("Bit-wise XOR between a and b is %d\n", a ^ b);
  return 0;
output of the above program is

Bit-wise XOR between a and b is 58
One of primary use of XOR operator is to make particular bit/bits position toggle. (Means if there was 1 it should be made 0 and if there was 0 then it should be made 0). Say i want to toggle BIT position 3 and 2 of number 19 (0001 0011 in binary). Then we need to create a mask first; that has all bits 0 except bit 2 and 3, which is 0000 0110 in binary. Which is 06 in hex which is represented as 0x06. (In C).

Doing the Bit-wise XOR
   0001 0011
^  0000 0110
   0001 0101

Result is 0001 0101(binary) which is 21 in decimal.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  unsigned char a = 19;

  printf("Toggle bit 2 and 3 of a is %d\n", a ^ 0x06);
  return 0;
Output of the above program is

Toggle bit 2 and 3 of a is 21

Bit-wise NOT 

'~' is the bit-wise NOT operator in C. The various combination of the o/p is discussed below

Above Truth table tells how it works on 1 bit, say we want to find NOT of 25.

~  0001 1001
   1110 0110

The result is 1110 0110 in binary which is 230 in decimal. This is very different from Logical NOT. Logical NOT of 25 would be 0.

Following C program that does the same.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  unsigned char a = 25;

  printf("Bitwise NOT of a is %d\n", (unsigned char)~a);
  printf("Logical NOT of a is %d\n", !a);
  return 0;

output of the above program is

Bitwise NOT of a is 230
Logical NOT of a is 0
unsigned char infront of ~a is called type casting, which will covered later. Just remember that without it the answer will be wrong.

Bit-wise left shift

'<<' is the bit-wise left shift operator in C.

Syntax is as follows
a << b
Then a is shifted by b bits to left

For example
23 << 3
Convert 23 into binary which is 0001 0111. shifting it by 3 bits is 1011 1000 which is 184

Program that depicts left shift

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    unsigned char a = 23;

    printf("Left shift 23 by 3 is %d\n", a << 3);

    return 0;
Output of above program is

Left shift 23 by 3 is 184

Bit-wise right shift

'>>' is the bit-wise right shift operator in C.

Syntax is as follows
a >> b
Then a is shifted by b bits to right.

For example
23 >> 1
Convert 23 into binary which is 0001 0111, shifting it by 1 bits is 0000 1011 towards right which is 11 in decimal.

Program that depicts right shift

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    unsigned char a = 23;

    printf("Right shift 23 by 1 is %d\n", a >> 1);

    return 0;
Output of above program is 

Right shift 23 by 1 is 11


Quiz - Not Yet written !!
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