Problem Statement
Exercise 1-5: Modify the temperature conversion program to print the table in reverse order, that is, from 300 to 0.Solution
Program is referring to K&R Exercise 1.3 Print heading to temperature conversion program.Here the initial value will 300 and final value will be 0. Instead of incrementing in the loop we have to decrement.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { float fahr, celsius; int lower, upper, step; lower = 0; upper = 300; step = 20; fahr = upper; printf(" C F\n"); printf("----------\n");
while(fahr >= lower) { celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr - 32.0); printf("%3.0f %6.1f\n", fahr, celsius); fahr = fahr - step; } return 0; }
Output of the above program will look as follows
C F ---------- 300 148.9 280 137.8 260 126.7 240 115.6 220 104.4 200 93.3 180 82.2 160 71.1 140 60.0 120 48.9 100 37.8 80 26.7 60 15.6 40 4.4 20 -6.7 0 -17.8
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