Remainder of 9 of 34 is 3 + 4 = 7
Lets take bigger number 2366. Remainder of 9 of 2366 is 2 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 17. Since the remainder of 9 should be < 9. We will continue adding the result to 1+7 = 8. Hence the remainder of 9 of 2366 is 8.
Remainder of 45 is 4 + 5 is 9. Whenever result is 9 then remainder is 0.
Lets analyse is mathematically. Say we want to find the remainder of xyz
Value of xyz is
= 100 * x + 10 * y + z
= 99 * x + 9 * y + (x + y + z)
99x and 9y will get divided by 9, Hence remaining (x+y+z) will be the remainder.
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